
The Casa de Velázquez Library is a research library specialised on Iberian culture area. It contains 145.000 books and 1.813 periodicals (581 current).

The main fields are :

  • History of Spain, Portugal and Latin America (colonial period).
  • Spanish literature.
  • Arts
  • Archaeology (Iberian Peninsula and North Africa).
  • Social sciences.

Specific collections:

  • Jean-Pierre Berthe

    In 2014, Jean-Pierre Berthe´s library collection was donated to the Casa de Velázquez. He was an expert in Iberian America’s social  and economics history of the 17th and 18th centuries.

    Now, more than 6.000 volumes are on the library´s catalogue and SUDOC and REBIUN collective catalogues.

Award of the CollEx-Persée label

The CollEx-Persée label selects collections of excellence (CollEx) deemed to be of national importance. The Casa de Velázquez's collection of periodicals specialised in the Iberian world, benefits from this label's distinction awarded by the scientific council CollEx-Persée label initiative for five years (2018-2022).

Opening hours

Monday-Friday : 9.00 a.m. - 7 p.m
Saturday: 9.30 a.m. - 1 p.m

Annual closure and public holidays


Reader’s guide