Legal notice

Ownership of the Website

The Internet domains and are the property of Casa de Velázquez
Casa de Velázquez (NIF N0011225J)
Ciudad UniversitariaC/ de Paul Guinard, 3
E-28040 Madrid
Tel: +34 91 455 15 80

Conditions of use

These conditions of use regulate access to the website of Casa de Velázquez,, whose sole purpose is to disseminate information about the activities carried on by Casa de Velázquez.
Access to this website is free. It is understood that anyone visiting it is aware of and accepts the legal notices and conditions of use that it contains.


All contents offered on this website are updated. Each page shows the date of the latest changes. Casa de Velázquez reserves the right to update, alter or remove contents at any time.

The Casa de Velázquez website contains links to other web pages. These are offered purely as a utility for users and Casa de Velázquez cannot accept any liability for the contents of these pages, which are the exclusive property of their owners.


This website is designed to support the browsers Firefox and Internet Explorer.

In the development of this website a special effort has been made to comply with the content accessibility guidelines laid down by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium).
Valid XHTML 1.0 TransitionalValid XHTML 1.0 Transitional

Intellectual and Industrial Property

This website and its contents are protected by intellectual property laws. These contents may not be commercially exploited, reproduced, distributed, altered, publicly communicated, assigned or transformed.Access to this page does not confer on users any right or title of any kind in the intellectual property of the contents of this website.

The contents of this website may be downloaded to the user’s terminal provided that it is for private use and not for commercial purposes; the contents of this website may not therefore be exploited, reproduced, distributed, altered, publicly communicated, assigned, transformed or used for public or commercial purposes.

Data Protection

Pursuant to the Information Society and Electronic Trade Act passed by the Spanish Parliament and the current Data Protection Act (Organic Law 15 of 13/12/1999), users are advised that their personal details may be uploaded to an automated file. Under no circumstances will these details be used for any purposes other than sending news from Casa de Velázquez. Users are free to exercise their rights of objection, access, rectification and cancellation of their details. These rights can be exercised by written application to the following address:

Casa de Velázquez (NIF N0011225J)
Ciudad Universitaria
C/ de Paul Guinard, 3
E-28040 Madrid

Casa de Velázquez records the IP addresses of all visitors when they access the website. This is purely for internal purposes such as visitor statistics.

Casa de Velázquez has taken all the necessary technical and organisational steps to assure data security and integrity and to prevent alteration, loss or unauthorised treatment of or access to data.

Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

This website is hosted by Casa de Velázquez in Madrid. The relationship between Casa de Velázquez and the user shall be governed by the Spanish regulations currently in force, and any dispute shall be submitted to the law-courts of the city of Madrid (Spain).

This legal notice is a translation of the Spanish version. Only the Spanish version shall be deemed authentic.

01/07/2024 - Français