XVIIe atelier doctoral d'archéologie antique

Archaeologies of Colonialism – Past and Present

3JUIN - 6JUIN 2025

L'information pour le XVIIe atelier doctoral d'archéologie antique est uniquement disponible en anglais.


COORD.: Paul Scheding (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Madrid) and Gwladys Bernard (Casa de Velázquez - EHEHI, Madrid)

ORG.: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (Madrid), Casa de Velázquez - EHEHI (Madrid)


    C/ Serrano 159, 28002 Madrid
    C/ de Paul Guinard, 3, 28040 Madrid

Number of spaces available : 14
Dates : 3rd – 6th of June 2025

Languages used during the workshop: English

Deadline for submission: 22nd of april, 2025



Phoenicization, Hellenization, Romanization, Romaness, Globalization, Glocalization, Hybridization, Creolization, Discrepant Identities are all terms relevant to the debates surrounding Colonization(s) in the ancient world. The Workshop “Archaeologies of Colonialism – Past and Present” invites PhD candidates in archaeology, history, art history or classics to submit papers that critically explore the complex intersections of colonization, colonialism and archaeological practice. This call seeks to foster a nuanced discussion on how discourses pertaining to colonial structures, encounters, and power dynamics have shaped both past societies and the discipline of archaeology itself. Particular attention will be given to the ways in which colonialism is identified and conceptualized, the transformations it has imposed on landscapes and territories, and the structures that have sustained it over time.

Contributions should engage with the archaeology of colonial encounters, considering both the perspectives of colonizers and the colonized, and addressing the material, social, and political consequences of these interactions. Papers that address structures of colonization are welcome, as well as contributions exploring the ideological underpinnings of colonialism (ancient and modern). The concept of power in colonial contexts, including its manifestations, negotiations, and enduring legacies, is of central relevance to this discussion. Moreover, we encourage contributions that critically assess the archaeological record as a means of studying modern colonialization and its implications. Another key theme concerns the role of archaeological methodologies in examining and interpreting colonial pasts and presents—both as tools of decolonization and as legacies of colonial epistemologies.

The workshop will be accompanied by four distinguished archaeologists, who will act as mentors throughout the event. They will deliver keynote papers to stimulate discussion and provide feedback to participants on their research. 

The mentors are:

  • Audrey Bertrand (École Française de Rome)

  • Manuel Fernández-Götz (University of Oxford)

  • Jörg Linstädter (German Archaeological Institute, Bonn)

  • David Mattingly (University of Leicester)

We welcome submissions that adopt theoretical, methodological, and case study-based approaches to these themes. Extended abstracts (ca. 300 words) outlining the research objectives, theoretical framework, methodology, and preliminary findings should be submitted as well as a CV. 


Fees: There are no inscription fees.

Candidates may apply until the 22/04/2025 (13:00 Madrid time) through the online registration form.

Confirmation of admission or rejection of applicants will be communicated by e-mail on the 30th of April.

The Casa de Velázquez will accommodate all chosen candidates from the 3rd (arrival) to the 6th (departure) of June 2024 (3 nights) who request to do so and do not reside in Madrid. Accommodation consists of a shared bedroom (2 pers.) and includes breakfast. Lunch will also be included for all participants, both at the DAI and the Casa de Velázquez, as well as a dinner.

Travel to Madrid and other dinners will be at the doctoral student's expense, as will special requests (additional nights).

The Casa de Velázquez and the DAI-Madrid offer three scholarships with a maximum of 350€ for travel expenses that will only be available to doctoral candidates inscribed in a higher education institution of the Maghreb and actually residing in Morrocco, Algeria or Tunisia. 

Languages used during the workshop: English




01/07/2024 - Français