4th ETHMIGSURVEYDATA Training School on Ethnic and Migrant Minorities

COST Action CA16111 - International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities’ Survey Data Network

17DéCEMBRE - 18DéCEMBRE 2020
École thématique en ligne

Coord. : Santiago PÉREZ-NIEVAS (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Marie-Laure MALLET (University of Oxford)

Org. :  COST Action CA16111 (International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities’ Survey Data Network, ETHMIGSURVEYDATA), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Casa de Velázquez, Madrid, Spain (Local Organizer)


The Training School will take place online. 
Selected participants will be informed of the access details

Dates of the Training School:
December 17th and 18th, 2020

Registration through the online form
Until October 23rd, 2020


We invite applications for participation in the 4th ETHMIGSURVEYDATA network Training School.

As part of the COST Action CA16111 "International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities’ Survey Data Network" (ETHMIGSURVEYDATA), the 4th Training School seeks to train a new generation of researchers interested in Ethnic and Migrant Minorities’ (EMM) integration with survey data by offering them the tools to design and analyze survey datasets on ethnic minorities or migrant minorities.

The sessions will focus on methodological, conceptual, and ethical issues in designing and analyzing datasets on cross cultural / cross national research.

Trainees will be offered guidelines regarding new and innovative ways of post-harmonizing datasets on EMM groups.

The Training School will be delivered fully online, given the current public health situation.

Aim of the Training School

The 2-day Training School is designed to: (1) introduce methodological issues in post-harmonizing cross-cultural or cross-national datasets on ethnic and migrant minorities; (2) discuss examples of such existing surveys; (3) facilitate discussions on conceptual and methodological issues associated with comparatively analyzing EMMs survey data.

The Training School is aimed, primarily, at young researchers from participating COST countries1 and approved European RTD Organizations2, interested in analysing survey data on EMMs integration (for more information see the Cost Vademecum). Nevertheless, it is also open to anyone interested in receiving the training described, from any professional and organizational background. The call is, thus, open to: PhD students, Post-doctoral researchers, Early Stage Researchers, and anyone actively undertaking or planning to undertake survey research on EMMs integration in academic or non-academic organizations (e.g. civil society organizations, think tanks, local/regional/national government departments).

There are no fees associated to the participation in this Training School.

1 Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom

2 FRA, EUROFOUND, EASO, European Comission – Joint Research Center

Description of the Sessions

Héctor Cebolla Boado, Associate Professor, UNED, Spain (Training Session 3)

TITLE: Analysis of contextual factors using quantitative data sets

Bio: Héctor Cebolla Boado is an associate professor in the Department of Sociology II of the UNED. He has a doctorate in sociology from the University of Oxford and did his previous training at the Complutense (undergraduate) and Autónoma de Madrid (Arabic and Islamic studies) universities. He has been a visiting professor at Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) and Bielefeld (Germany) universities.

His research focuses on the study of the development of the children of immigrants from an early age and in various European societies and, more generally, on the relationship between migration and education.

He teaches in the Degree in Sociology and in the Degree in Social Work.

Amparo González Ferrer, Advisor to the Cabinet of the Secretary General for Inclusion, Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Spain (Training Session 4)


Bio: Amparo González-Ferrer is Senior Research Fellow at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and member of the Research Group on Demographic Dynamics.

She has extensively worked on international migration to Europe, with special attention to family-linked migration, political integration of migrants and determinants of international migration.

She is currently coordinating an EU project titled TEMPER-Temporary versus Permanent Migration, and was main investigator of the Spanish team of MAFE-Migration between Africa and Europe, both funded by the VII Framework Program of the EU Commission.  She periodically collaborates with the Blog ‘Piedras de Papel’ (http://www.eldiario.es/autores/amparo_gonzalez_ferrer/) writing on migration issues. 

Mónica Méndez Researcher Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (Training Session 5)

TITLE: Measuring ethnicity in cross national general population surveys: examples from the ISSP and the ESS

Bio: Mónica Méndez Lago is Technical Advisor at the Sociological Research Center (Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, CIS, www.cis.es) since 2005, where she has also been Head of the Research Departament from July 2008 to November 2010).

She graduated in Political Science and Sociology at the Universidad Complutense (Madrid) in 1993 and obtained the Post-graduate diploma in social science data analysis at the University of Essex (1997, UK). Later she completed a Ph.D. at the European University Institute in 1998 (Florence, Italy).

Since she joined the Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas as Technical Advisor in 2005 Mónica Méndez has coordinated more than 60 surveys on a variety of topics. She has acted as representative from the CIS at the International Social Survey Program since 2005 and has coordinated the implementation of this annual survey in Spain. She has also coordinated both the adaptation of the survey and the fieldwork for the 7th, 8th and 9th rounds of the European Social Survey in Spain.

Laura Morales Professor, Sciences Po, CEE (Training Session 6)

TITLE: The Ethnic and Migrant Minorities Survey Registry. A free online tool to aid research on ethnic and migrant minorities.

Abstract: In June 2020, the COST Action ETHMIGSURVEYDATA and the H2020 project Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) launched the beta version of the EMM Survey Registry: a free online tool that will display survey-level metadata for over 800 surveys on ethnic and migrant minorities' (EMMs') integration from over 30 European countries. Currently (as of 28 September 2020) with information from 11 countries and more than 400 surveys, the EMM Survey Registry constitutes a useful tool for survey data discovery and location.

This session will discuss the methodological development of the EMM Survey Registry and offer a tutorial of the currently available beta version. Students will be able to learn more about the use and design of the registry with a special focus on the FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) principles that have guided its design, the diverse target users of the registry and its survey-level metadata, and the registry's sustainability.

Students will have an opportunity to trial it for their own research interests and to engage in a Q&A session to clarify any queries about how the EMM Survey Registry may aid their own research undertakings. 

Bio: Laura Morales is Professor in Political Science/Comparative Politics at Sciences Po (Paris, France), affiliated with CEE and LIEPP. She specialises in the political dynamics and consequences of immigration, in the civic and political inclusion of migrant-origin minorities, and in survey research on migrant-origin populations. She has published, among others, Social Capital, Political Participation and Migration in Europe. Making Multicultural Democracy Work? (edited with Marco Giugni), Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2011.

Morales is currently the Chair of the COST Action "International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities' Survey Data Network” and the leader of Task 9.2 of the SSHOC project focusing on data communities working on ethnic and migrant minorities.

Antje Röder, Professor, University of Marburg (Training Session 1)

TITLE: Studying migrant incorporation using general population surveys: opportunities and limitations

Abstract: Large scale population surveys can offer interesting opportunities for analyzing immigrant incorporation into host societies.

There are, however, numerous challenges involved in this. Sample sizes of immigrant sub-groups are often comparatively small, for example, and measurements may not be tailored to migrant respondents. In this session, we discuss these limitations, but also assess strategies for overcoming them.

We focus in particular on the European Social Survey, which has become a major source for research in this field, but also draw on other large-scale survey projects to assess their potential 
for migration research.

Bio: Antje Röder is Professor for Methods of Empirical Social Research at Philipps-Universität Marburg. Previously, she was Assistant Professor for Migration and Quantitative Methods (2011-2015) at Trinity College Dublin and Professor of Sociology (Empirical Social Research) at TU Chemnitz (2015-2016). She holds a PhD in Sociology from Trinity College Dublin.

She has spent over a decade researching socio-cultural and structural integration processes amongst first and second generation immigrants in Europe, and is particularly interested in innovative research methods for migrant and ethnic minorities.

Anca Vlad Research Data Services Officer, UK Data Service (Training Session 3)

TITLE: FAIR in practice: useful tool and resources

Abstract: FAIR principles are used as a guide to maximise future reuse of research outputs, to allow replication of research findings as well as reuse in future projects.

In this session we will take a close look at (1) each of the four principles (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) and why they are so important for open science, as well as (2) what useful resources and tools are out there that can help us make our research outputs more FAIR.

The session will include short demos of some useful platforms and data quality tools that can aid when publishing research outputs in a FAIR way.

Bio: Anca Vlad's background is in social science and she currently works in the data publishing and data management team at the UK Data Service where her role involves mostly data review and publication as well as training on data management and open science.


Provisional timetable

Thursday, December 17th

Friday, December 18th

09:15 –09:30 Welcome


09:30 – 11:30 Training Session 1

09:30 – 11:30 Training Session 4

11:30 – 13:30 Training session 2

11:30 – 13:30 Training session 5

13:30 – 15:30 Lunch Break

13:30 – 15:30 Lunch Break

15:30 – 17:30 Training 3

15:30 – 17:30 Training 6



Applications should include (in a single PDF file):

  • An academic CV
  • A motivation letter of approximately 2 pages (between 800 – 1500 words). The letter should provide a short description of the applicant’s background (education, employment, areas of interest, prior experience with ethnic and migrant minorities surveys or topics) and it should state the importance of the Training School for the applicant’s work/research.

You may register online via the online form on the Casa de Velázquez website (deadline: October 23rd, 2020).

For more details on the eligibility for application and other related rules, consult the COST Vademecum or send an e-mail to brynjadis@hi.is


01/07/2024 - Français