ReDes_Ling: Addressing language inequality in the access to essential services

2DéCEMBRE 2024, 16:00-18:00
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Seminaire MIAS - EHEHI

Laura Villa Galán
Fellow MIAS - Tomás y Valiente

Con Georgina Fraser (CONAMICH & CELES - Universidad Nacional de San Martín), Daniel Rudas (Instituto Caro y Cuervo), Martha Sif Karrabæk (University of Copenhagen)


  • Laura Villa Galán
    Fellow MIAS - Tomás y Valiente
  • Georgina Fraser
    CONAMICH & CELES - Universidad Nacional de San Martín
  • Daniel Rudas
    Instituto Caro y Cuervo
  • Martha Sif Karrabæk
    University of Copenhagen

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Sala de conferencias, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Time: 16:00-18:00

Language: Spanish


The seminar will also be accessible online.
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Hierarchies of languages and speakers, which often go unnoticed, sustainandreproduce social privilege to the detriment of the most vulnerable communities, particularly, migrants and ethnic minorities. Their consequencesare extensive and affect several crucial areas of social interest, such as theaccess to essential services. The lack of linguistic resources (such as the official language or formal writing), material resources (such as technological means or interpretation personnel), and symbolic resources (such as social prestige or cultural capital), mediate the relationship between populations andstate institutions. The social difference that is inscribed in language aggravates situations of exclusion and marginalization, since speakers whoare the target of raciolinguistic prejudice are neglected by state institutions, frequently facing obstacles in the exercise of their fundamental rights, suchas the right to land, equality before the justice, and access to health care. 

In this seminar we will present an approach to these problems fromsomeof the institutions that collaborate in the European project MSCA-Staff Exchanges ReDes_Ling (“Resisting language inequality”). After a brief presentation of the project by Laura Villa, Georgina Fraser will talk about translation and interpretation regarding Justice for Moqoit, Qomand Wichi people in the Chaco province, Argentina, Daniel Rudas will share his workonways of resisting language ideologies of hegemonic writing and digital technologies together with farmers from Sumapaz, Colombia y Martha Sif Karrabæk will discuss language ideologies and language practices in threedifferent contexts in Denmark: schools, courts, and hospitals.

Fig.: Mural: “La búsqueda de la justicia”. Author: Ismael Ramos. Location: SCJN, second level, corner of Erasmo Castellanos and Venustiano Carranza.

01/07/2024 - Français