Atlantic port networks (from XVI to XX century)

Balance and historiography perspective

25APRIL - 26APRIL 2012

Coord.: AMÉLIA POLÓNIA  (Universidade do Porto – Faculdade de Letras / CITCEM); AMÂNDIO BARROS (ESE- Escola Superior de Educação do Porto; CITCEM); STÉPHANE MICHONNEAU (EHEHI – Casa de Vélasquez)
Org.: Universidade Do Porto – Facultade De Letras ; CITCEM (Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar Cultura, Espaço e Memória) ; École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques - Casa de Velázquez

Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Via Panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 Porto


The ports and coastal towns have arisen as main subjects in the historical analysis since long. The study of the port systems, the internal dynamic of the European ports and its infrastructure with the Country, its river navigation and the international trade have been the aim of a large written literature under the denomination of “port history”. It is well-known a considerable number of studies and recent publication of synthesis about the Iberian and European ports.

Besides the local and regional dynamics, it is important however, to develop global perspectives, in order to been able to position the ports on larger infrastructures networks. The relations established between the European ports, especially Iberian, and other ports in Africa and America are basic to reach an understanding of global dynamics, which include the economic, population, culture and politics share.

The comparative studies and the researches about the networks are basic to speed up those focuses, and they are essential in the studies of local, regional and world history. The aim of this symposium is to meet a group of well-known researchers about these subjects, to discuss the topics and the problems that could arise in an investigation around this focus and it would be necessary to establish some items of research or to come to an understanding about those already known in order to maximize the results of the current individual or working group jobs around the Atlantic ports.


Thursday 26th of April
Celebration place: Teachers meeting room - Second floor



MARIA DE FÁTIMA MARINHO -  Presidente do Conselho Científico da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto

JEAN-PIERRE ÉTIENVRE – Directeur de la Casa de Velázquez


AMÉLIA POLÓNIA  Universidade do Porto – Faculdade de Letras/  CITCEM
Estudos portuários – balanço e prospectiva

ANA CRESPO SOLANA Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales – CSIC, Madrid
El sistema portuario del Atlántico español: aproximaciones metodológicas para el estudio de redes mercantiles y puertos

SYLVIANE LLINARES  Université de Bretagne Sud
Réseaux et politiques portuaires en France : bilan, historiographie et nouvelles perspectives

FRANCIS BRUMONT Université de Toulouse Le Mirail
Le complexe portuaire du Pays Basque au XVIIe siècle

El puerto de Bilbao en el concierto comercial de los siglos XIV-XVII. Un balance historiográfico y una propuesta de investigación


INÊS AMORIM Universidade do  Porto – Faculdade de Letras / CITCEM
Os sentidos do património na construção de uma identidade portuária. Identificação do Património Cultural do Porto de Aveiro

FERNANDA ROLLO FCSH-UNL/ Instituto de História Contemporânea
Inovação e engenharia portuárias no século XX – uma aproximação historiográfica

ANA PRATA FCSH-UNL/ Instituto de História Contemporânea
Melhoramentos portuários em Portugal no início do século XX. Um balanço historiográfico

THIERRY SAUZEAU Université de Poitiers
Un réseau portuaire face à la Révolution française : les ports du sel du Centre-ouest atlantique (XVIIe-XIXe siècles)

MIGUEL SUÁREZ BOSA (Universidad de Las Palmas)
Puertos y ciudades de las Islas Macaronésicas, nodo de la red marítima atlántica (Primera Globalización, siglo XIX)

Friday, 27th of April
Celebration place: Meeting room No. 203


JOSE DAMIAO RODRIGUES Universidade dos Açores
Les îles au carrefour des races et des cultures: migrations et métissages du XVe au XXIe siècle

BEGOÑA ALONSO Universidad de Cantabria
Vistas y visiones de las ciudades portuarias atlánticas,
siglos XVI-XIX

JUAN GELABERT Universidad de Cantabria
Ciudades de la fachada atlántica: actividad económica, comportamientos sociales y universos mentales (siglos XVI-XVIII)

Les ports dans la construction des mondes atlantiques
(XVIe-XVIIIe s.)

AMÂNDIO BARROS  ESE- Escola Superior de Educação do Porto/ CITCEM
Os portos do Noroeste português e as articulações com os complexos portuários da Coroa de Castela. Novas interpretações


Plenary session of presentation and discussion of the main results of the Symposium



30/06/2024 - Français