Print and power in the early modern era

Session 4: Entangled histories: datafication of printed books of ordinances in the Low Countries (1550-1800s) - Annemieke Romein

23FEBRUARY 2021, 12h30 - 14h00
Annemieke Romein

Coord.: Nicolas SIMON (EHEHI-Casa de Velázquez, MIAS / Marie Sklodowska Curie)

Org.: École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid), Madrid Institute for Advanced Study, H2020- Actions Marie Sklodowska Curie

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The webinar: Print and power in the early modern era

The invention of print gave the political authorities of earl modern times a new means of communicating the decisions they enacted. While political and ecclesiastical authorities have seized this opportunity to largely disseminate their decisions, they have also been prone to regard print as subversive. The use of print by political authorities during the early modern era raises a considerable number of questions and opens the way for a great deal of research both in the history of the book and of print, as well as in the field of political history, institutional history and legal history.

The aim of this international webinar is to shed light on the multiple uses of print by political authorities during the 16th and the 17th centuries. It will also be an opportunity to show the important articulations between orality, litteracy and printed documents at that time.


01/07/2024 - Français