Relational resources in credit, money and public financing (2)

Comparing financial and sovereign institutions, social actors and resource management (14th - 19th centuries)

10MARCH - 11MARCH 2022

Coord.: Zacarías MOUTOUKIAS (Université de Paris - Paris Diderot), Antoni FURIÓ (Universitat de València), Marjolein ’t HART (Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands, VU University Amsterdam), Martín WASSERMAN (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)-Universidad de Buenos Aires)

Org.: École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid), Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Energies de Demain - UMR 8236 (LIED - Université de Paris), Cultures i Societats de l’Edat Mitjana (CiSEM - Universitat de València)




After a webinar organized in June 2021, this international colloquium is the second mee-ting of the program of the same name; one of its main activities will be the session that the coordinators are organizing for the International Economic History Congress in Paris in 2022 (WEHC-22). All these activities will involve some twenty European and American researchers.

The scientific approach is based on different traditions of the social sciences that conceive interpersonal relations as a resource of their economic agency and empha-size the intertwining of these links with institutional mechanisms. This framework will guide the approach with which we will debate on the diversity of actors at the crossroads of credit, markets, public finance and sovereign power.

For more than two decades, numerous authors have studied and debated, from different historiographical perspectives, the relationships between public finance, the dynamics of sovereign powers and the configuration of markets. Our meetings will attempt to renew some of the classic themes of this literature by focusing on the following aspects: the rela-tional and normative context of the actors, the medieval roots of a plurality of institutional cultures, the way social actors confronted or negotiated between alternative institutional resources and the trans-imperial articulations between the Americas and Europe.



01/07/2024 - Français