
The School of Advanced Hispanic and Iberian Studies (L’École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques, EHEHI) is at once a place where young researchers can train and an international research centre for human and social sciences.

For the period 2017-2021 its scientific policy, centring on the Iberian Peninsula, the Maghreb and Latin America (for the colonial and contemporary periods), is organised into three research areas. These areas are covered by pluri-annual programmes based on international cooperation arrangements which may be eligible for financing by the National research Agency or European institutions. The School further seeks to serve as a hatchery for innovative and sometimes highly specialised projects. Every year more than five hundred researchers from a wide variety of geographical locations take part in its activities.

The theological roots of Protestant iconophobia

Carlos EIRE

08/05/2017 - 1h 0min 59s - French


01/01/1970 - Français