Organisers: Pere Gifra-Adroher (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Ivanne Galant (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord), Isabelle Bes (Universitat de les Illes Balears), Eduard Moyà (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Proposals must be sent before 20th March 2025
The renewed interest in travel literature as a literary genre and cultural testimony has highlighted the richness of women’s travel accounts on Spain. These narratives not only document personal experiences, but also shape cultural representations, social imaginaries and historical visions that contribute to Hispanic studies from Francophone and Anglophone perspectives.
This international seminar is part of the project VIAJERAS: Hispanic Itineraries: French and British women travelers in Spain (XIX-XX centuries), a collaboration between the EHEHI - Casa de Velázquez (Madrid) and Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona).
It aims to bring together specialists from different disciplines to explore, analyze and debate women’s travel narratives about Spain. From an interdisciplinary approach, we intend to address issues of gender, interculturality, cultural representations and circulation of these works.
The seminar will focus on both canonical figures and lesser-known authors to broaden the literary corpus and enrich studies on the representation of Spain in international contexts. The application of new theoretical approaches to travel, tourism and literature to the analysis of this corpus will also be considered.
The call focuses on the following topics of interest, around which we invite you to reflect and propose contributions:
1. Construction of feminine imaginary spaces and exotic visions of otherness
This axis seeks to explore how women travel writers have imagined and represented the landscapes, cultures and inhabitants of Spain, often from a perspective that exalts otherness and the exotic. How are female imaginary spaces configured in travel narratives about Spain? In what ways is the ‘exotic’ projected in cultural, geographical and social descriptions? What cultural stereotypes or resistances emerge in these representations?
2. The influence of women’s narratives in shaping tourist, cultural and political discourses about Spain.
This strand addresses how female travelers’ narratives have influenced the perception of Spain internationally, shaping tourism, cultural and political discourses. Key questions include: What impact did or do female travel narratives have on the construction of the image of Spain as a tourist or cultural destination; how do the categories of gender, class and religion influence the way these female travelers represented Spain; how do foreign female authors address political or social engagement in their writings; what connections can be made between these narratives and the cultural politics of the time; and what is the relationship between these narratives and the cultural politics of the time?
3. Circulation and dissemination of women’s narratives: the role of publishers, translations and cultural networks, and the relationship with Hispanic Studies.
This section examines the mechanisms of distribution and dissemination of women’s travel narratives, as well as their impact on Hispanic studies and their reception in other cultural contexts. What publishers publish these texts and how do they influence their accessibility? How are these works translated and adapted for international audiences? What cultural or academic networks facilitate the dissemination of these narratives? How have these narratives influenced the development of Hispanic Studies in Francophone and Anglophone contexts?
Submission of proposals:
Researchers from various disciplines are invited to submit their proposals, which should include:
- An abstract of the paper (maximum 300 words) setting out the topic, objectives and methodological approach.
- A brief academic bio-bibliography (maximum 200 words).
Proposals can be written in English, Spanish or French and must be sent before 20th March to the following e-mail address:
Notification of acceptance: 10th April 2025.
The seminar will take place in Madrid. No registration fee.
The speakers will be able to stay at the Casa de Velázquez for a price of 65 euros per night, subject to room availability.
There will be a complimentary dinner for the speakers and presenters on October 23rd, and a lunch on October 24th.
For further enquiries: